Буенос диаз, амигоз! 1.Nickname (aka in bnet) -uzver
2.Real name -Константин
3. Age - 22
4.Place position (Country, city) -Russia, Chelyabinsk
5.Game Race -terran
6. iccup/wgt: max rank - C-
7.icq 320-888-245
8.E-mail 2plus2budet4@mail.ru
9.Free time for Sc - 20-00 (indicate moscow)
10.Did you have access to Europe, west, etc.? ага (тут надо исправтиь на do you have, или просто have you)
11.Reason to entering in aGs -позвали fighter, jinhazman,cas oO
12.In what clan you was? gr, art, 4p(надо исправить на you were)